9 Best Bait Boats (Top Performing Boats For 2024)

Ahh, bait boats! Some anglers love them, some detest them. Whatever side of the fence you sit on, you can’t deny that when dropping your hook bait alongside a load of freebies with absolute precision a bait boat is extremely handy.
In this guide, I will detail 9 of the best bait boats for fishing on the market today based on personal experiences of using the products, combined with other carp anglers’ thoughts and reviews.
Without further ado, here they are.
The Best Bait Boats For Carp Fishing
#1. RidgeMonkey Hunter 750

I’ve always had a bit of a soft spot for Ridgemonkey. They tend to think out of the box and develop innovative solutions to common fishing problems.
Want an example?
For those of you who like to use a bait boat for dropping a rig, loading can be a real pain. Not so with this lightweight carp fishing boat. It features an innovative system where you can ‘top load’ your rig, ensuring perfect delivery time and time again with ease.

In theory, the antennaless construction should allow you to navigate most areas with ease.
But, there is a but.
One thing I wish they’d thought about more was the handle. They’ve been a little too ‘cool for school’ with it being open to the rear. Sure, it’s tangle-free when moving forward, but reverse it with overhanging bushes at your peril (ask us how we know!).
Aside from this minor flaw, it works well. One nice feature is the USB charging capability. If you have a power bank, you’ll find this compatible, and there’s no need to be running off to the car to plug it into the cigarette lighter!
Not that you’ll need to.
With a 4-hour battery capacity, this will easily last a few days (and nights) on a single charge.
Take a look at the following video that shows some of the features of the Ridgemonkey Hunter 750.
Key Takeaway Points
- Amazing battery life
- Super lightweight
- Sleek look and finish
- Top loading bait hopper
#2. Angling Technics Microcat MKIII with Graphic Echo Sounder

While the price tag might be a little disconcerting, you could consider this your ‘forever’ bait boat.
Quite literally, you would never need another.
Angling technics have created something that is pretty much perfect.
What’s so great about it?
The vital thing you need in a bait boat is stability. With a wide catamaran-style hull, this boat is rock solid, with outstanding carrying capability. Your bait will be delivered to the target and only to the target.
With dual hoppers, you have the option to feed two different baits, and with a colossal 70-minute running time, you needn’t fear it being marooned out in the swim.
Night feeders will find this a joy. It is easy to see and navigate with six ultra-bright LED lights.
There is literally no place this boat won’t go. Unlike cheaper models, the antenna is stored internally. I found it excellent for quietly dropping a kilo of boilies under overhanging bushes, 100 yards away.
It even has a feature that lets you map the bottom, ensuring that your bait makes its way directly to those fish-holding, underwater features.

Standout Features
- Amazing battery life
- Rock-solid stability
- Bottom mapping function
- Huge capacity
#3. Carp Royal Imperator 6.0 Bait Boat

Generally, you’ll want to avoid bait boats on the weighty side.
My only caveat to that is when they come fully loaded with features. This isn’t just a carp fishing boat. It’s a real-life weather ship.
Try to find another bait boat that gives pressure data and water temperature as a standard feature!

And when I said “fully loaded”, I meant it.
With onboard GPS and even an electronic compass, this is one that you can sail right over the horizon, knowing that it will be easy to get back. Which you’ll need, as it is got a range that falls just short of a kilometre (time to crack out the big pit reel)
It even has autopilot, for god’s sake!
Any downsides?
Yeah, a few minor gripes, perhaps. This boat comes with a camouflage decal on the top, unless a) the carp are viewing it from above and b) it is on land instead of the water.
I can’t really see a reason for this, except to trip you up when you miss it getting out of your bivvy. The onboard ‘tech’ is most certainly luxury, but it could all be achieved with things that cost far less.
Check out the following video that showcases the features of the Carp Royal Imperator 6.0 Bait Boat.
The Best Bits
- 4kg carrying capability
- All the tech you’d ever need, including water temp, pressure and compass
- A really automated solution
- Eye-catching (if a little gaudy)
#4. Angling Technics Procat MKIV

When choosing a bait boat, you often have to compromise between cost and performance.
I’m pleased to say that the Procat MKIV offers both in abundance.
What I loved about this product was how light and portable it was. Weighing just 2.74kg (yes, that includes the battery) means it is a worthy addition to a barrow or cart without too much effort.
You will be limited to a single hopper, but the good news is that with a 90-minute run time, it isn’t too taxing to make two trips.
One area that often deters more ‘traditional’ carp anglers is the thought of spooking the fish. As bait boats go, this is like a stealth bomber. Servo-free drives mean the ducks create more disturbance in your swim!
One downside is that you won’t be able to map the bottom as with more premium models. Still, the price difference would more than cover a castable fish finder if needs be.
I always look for ease of control when choosing a bait boat. I find the RC handset intuitive and pretty hard-wearing (We didn’t test it in the rain, however).

Reasons to Choose it
- As premium bait boats go, it is cheap
- Great portability, easy to carry and pretty compact
- Low profile, great for navigating overhanging bushes and banks
- One of the quietest bait boats on our list
#5. Angling Technics Microcat HD

When we hear the term ‘micro’, we normally think of something small, light and compact.
Alright, so we might want to rethink the marketing on this one. It’s still a bloody good boat?
Why the reticence at ‘micro’ in ‘microcat’?
Well, it’s 9kg of weight would like a word…
Aside from its substantial heft, there is plenty to love packed between the sleek (and rather shiny) dual catamaran pontoons.
It’s one of the speediest boats on my list, with a decent run time and HD Batteries.
Oh, and before I forget…
It’s deathly silent. If you are looking for a bait boat that is both fast and silent, then this is for you.

One of its standout features is that it has unique frequencies not shared by other users.
We mean…
If you’ve paid for it, you want to be the only one controlling it, right?
Take a look at the following video that details the features of the Microcat HD and also provides a comparison to the Microcat MkIII featured earlier on in this guide.
Why You’ll Love it…
- Dual hoppers with independent controls
- Gargantuan payload capacity (4kg)
- 2 hour constant running time
- Super silent operation
#6. Angling Technics Technicat MkII

This would be the answer if you were looking for a nice middle ground between the Procat MKIV and the Microcat MKIII.
It sits pretty squarely in the middle price-wise and has some if not all of the features offered by the more premium of the Angling technics bait boats.
You’ll only get one-hopper, but on the plus side, you will have the ability to map the bottom as a standard feature.
This boat is a little taller than other bait boats, making it more ideal for relatively open areas. One thing I wasn’t so keen on was the propeller drive system. This can cause a little commotion and isn’t well suited to choppy conditions.
My catch rate didn’t seem to suffer too aversely when I gave it a go, so perhaps we are being overly picky.
A few little extras made this worthwhile. The included carry bag will allow you to transport it easily down to the bank, and the high-quality glossy finish is a breeze to clean.
Check out the following video that shows the Technicat MKII in action.
Why You Should Buy It
- A great all-rounder with some premium features
- Durable and really easy to clean
- Respectable running time (90 mins)
- Compatible with Echo Bottom Mapping
#7. Cult Tackle Ranger Bait Boat

Nobody said carp fishing was a delicate pursuit.
If you are out looking for specimens and want a boat built to perform, you are in the right place.
What do I mean?
We are talking about rugged durability.
This isn’t so much a bait boat as a tank, armed to the back teeth with three kilos worth of boilies, particles, rigs and everything in between. With the huge capacity and a dual hopper, you’ll be able to feed the entire swim in seconds.
The boat is completely sealed, meaning there is little to unsettle it. Rain, wind or shine, it will handle all with aplomb.
I really liked that this bait boat uses a different frequency than the standard 2.4ghz. With bait boats becoming the newest ‘must have’ in UK waters, the last thing you need is captain Birdseye on the other bank deciding to inadvertently jettison your bait before the time is right!

For the money, this is a really solid setup. Some things could do with a tweak. We aren’t fans of the protruding antenna, and the chunky ‘on/off switch could be easily flipped by an overhanging branch.
Reasons I Liked It
- About as rock-solid as they come
- Unique 5.8ghz frequency
- Huge payload capability
- Dual hopper and independent rig dropping capability
#8. Lake Reaper Carp Fishing Bait Boat

While the old adage ‘buy cheap, buy twice’ can occasionally apply, in the case of this humble bait boat, I’m willing to make an exception.
In fact, considering the low cost, I’d say, price per pound, it is up there with the big boys.
For the money, it’s worth a try. I’d consider this a good investment if you are new to bait boats and want to get out on the water without feeling like you are buying an actual yacht.
With a four-hour battery life and a variable speed setting, you will have plenty of options. The frankly colossal range alone (400 metres) makes this one well worth a look.

It only has one-hopper, but that’s all you’ll need. The boat’s speed makes it really ideal for replenishing in half the time!
At my home venue, it handled well enough.
The substantial carrying handle made it easy to launch and remove from the water, and unlike more expensive boats (I’m looking at you Ridge Monkey), it also performed snag-free whether going forward or backward.
Check out the following video that demonstrates the Lake Reaper bait boat from a user’s perspective.
Standout Points
- Amazing value, around half the price of ‘standard’ bait boats
- Huge battery life
- Good build quality
- Simple and effective
#9. WWSHIP Intelligent Fishing Bait Boat

So, this one I’ve classed as the best budget bait boat oy there.
Gone are the days when enthusiasts built bait boats at home, which was very much the “wild west”…
But if you want a taste of what it was like, you need to check this out. You won’t find too much innovation here.
Is it the best bait boat out there?
Probably not.
Will it work, and is it worth it?
You bet your captains hat it is!
For the money, this is amazing value. Here’s a quick checklist of things that will normally cost 10 times as much:
Five-speed control – check!
Huge range (500m) – check!
Well-lit and easy to navigate – check!
What more are you after?
There are a few bits that you won’t like. The hand controller is a bit naff, and I wasn’t going to watch my hard-earned sail 500m away, but in theory, it should work. The props aren’t the quietest either, but they offer a surprising amount of speed.
Oh, and before I forget…
The hopper isn’t massive, but for small lakes or occasional carp fishermen, this is an easy way to give it a go without feeling like you are buying a real boat.
With all things considered, at under £200 this bait boat is a real bargain.
Why Buy it?
- It’s as cheap as they come
- Doesn’t offer far less than the premium bait boats
- LED lights are super bright
- One-handed operation
Final Thoughts
The best baits must have a good range, a good battery life, have a decent hopper to be able to deliver your rig/bait with ease and be as silent and discreet as possible.
You should also consider the build and quality of the remote control as well because the best baits will also come equipped with a strong and robust remote.
All the bait boats in this guide tick all the required boxes to be considered the best you can buy on the market today.
At the end of the day, if you are in possession of a decent bait boat, you could maybe spend a little less on your carp rods and reels as you simply don’t need the casting capability of some of the more premium gear out there.
I hope you have found the guide useful and now have a better idea of the best bait boat to suit your fishing needs.
Thanks for reading.
Tight Lines.
All of the fishing tackle featured in this article can be found at one of the following online shops…